Support Wild Church
Wild Church began with an idea.
Then it was something we wanted to share with the world.
Emerging and New Ministries like Wild Church are funded by The Emerging Spirit Fund of the Pacific Mountain Regional Council of the United Church of Canada. We are in our last year of funding from a five year grant so we need your support to continue this important work.
You can make a difference through supporting us with a monthly or one time donation and through purchasing our T-shirts or TruEarth Products using our fundraising link.
A Financial Gift
We use Canada Helps to facilitate our donations which filters through the Pacific Mountain Regional Council to Wild Church. When you make a donation through this link use the drop down menu and choose “Wild Church Canada”. See the image below for visual assistance.
Check out our new Wild Church T-shirts,
We have the right style and colour waiting for you!
Your shirt can have Wild Church BC on it or have the Wild Elements art be the only focus
Something for you, something for others….
These make great gifts for people and help us keep Wild Church BC going!
We fundraise through TruEarth who are working to reduce environmental impact by offering household products like laundry strips that cut down on plastic containers. When you use our fundraising link Wild Church gets 30% of your purchase!
We fundraise through the Eco Collective, three companies who are there to help you create a low waste life. When you use our fundraising link Wild Church gets 20% of your purchase!