Nurturing What is Stirring - A Wonder Practice
Take some time to wander in nature - we know it is cold so this doesn't have to be long and if you need to do this reflection time inside find a plant, a pet, or a view from a window to allow you to connect with nature.
Although we are in early spring with Imbolc marking this change February 1st, we are still in the season of rest. Imagine being a seed nestled in the soil, this time is the space between resting and sprouting, this is a time of stirring, of transition, of dreaming of growing into bud then blossom.
Just as our friend Stephanie said in her blog
“Winter invites us to rest, to be still and to allow newness of life to be nurtured beneath the surface of our lives…”
There is a newness you have been dreaming about that is, just like that seed, stirring beneath the surface of your life.
On your wonder reflect on this question:
What is the newness you have been dreaming and how can you nurture this newness to grow.
Look for what the natural world is reflecting back to you, listen to the voice that you would normally dismiss and notice what your body is saying, how your body is responding, during this wonder.
Make sure you capture your reflections so they don’t get lost when you re-enter the clamour of your day to day life.